Fast Fact Library

Merom, Dafna, Adrian Bauman, Philayrath Phongsavan, Ester Cerin, Mazen Kassis, Wendy Brown, Ben J. Smith, and Chris Rissel. (2009). Can a motivational intervention overcome an unsupportive environment for walking – findings from the Step-by-Step Study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 38(2), 137-146.


Health & well-being, Active living

Stratus Consulting. (2009). A Triple Bottom Line Assessment of Traditional and Green Infrastructure Options for Controlling CSO Events in Philadelphia’s Watersheds. Office of Watersheds, City of Philadelphia Water Department, Philadelphia, PA.


Health & well-being, Safety

Maas, Jolanda, Peter Spreeuwenberg, Marijke Van Winsum-Westra, Robert A. Verheij, Sjerp de Vries, and Peter P. Groenewegen. (2009). Is green space in the living environment associated with people’s feelings of social safety? Environment and Planning, A 41(7), 1763-1777.


Safety, Green communities

Larsen, Kristian, Jason Gilliland, Paul Hess, Patricia Tucker, Jennifer Irwin, and Meizi He. “The Influence of the Physical Environment and Sociodemographic Characteristics on Children’s Mode of Travel to and From School.” American Journal of Public Health 99, no. 3 (2009): 520–26.


Transportation, Trees, Active living

Roseen, Robert M., Thomas P. Ballestero, James J. Houle, Pedro Avellaneda, Joshua Briggs, George Fowler, and Robert Wildey. (2009). Seasonal performance variations for storm-water management systems in cold climate conditions. Journal of Environmental Engineering.


Stormwater management, Bioretention

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