Case Study Briefs Receive Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)
The Landscape Architecture Foundation compiles hundreds of resources on We also commission original research in the form of performance case studies. The vast majority of these Case Study Briefs are produced by academic teams, and all of them undergo a peer review process before publication.
To more effectively represent the Case Study Briefs as the scholarly product that they are, we recently added a digital object identifiers (DOI) to each. DOIs provide a permanent and consistent link to online, scholarly content and are used widely to identify academic, professional, and government publications, including journal articles, research papers, and reports. DOIs facilitate the citing of online content, which is particularly important for academic journals, student theses, and other research papers.
We are pleased to offer this increase level of visibility and academic credibility to our many case study authors. This addition will better allow this important research to contribute to the growing body of knowledge related to landscape performance.