Fast Fact Library

Payam Dadvand, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Mikel Esnaola, Joan Forns, Xavier Basagaña, Mar Alvarez-Pedrerol, Ioar Rivas, Mónica López-Vicente, Montserrat De Castro Pascual, Jason Su, Michael Jerrett, Xavier Querol, and Jordi Sunyer (June 2015) PNAS 112 (26) 7937-7942.


Health & well-being, Mental wellness

Bratman, Gregory N., J. Paul Hamilton, Kevin S. Hahn, Gretchen C. Daily, and James J. Gross. (2015). Nature experience reduces rumination and subgenual prefrontal cortex activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201510459.


Health & well-being, Mental wellness

Keeler, Bonnie L., Spencer A. Wood, Stephen Polasky, Catherine Kling, Christopher T. Filstrup, and John A. Downing. (2015). Recreational demand for clean water: evidence from geotagged photographs by visitors to lakes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13(2), 76-81.


Water quality, Recreational & social value

Cohen, Deborah A., Bing Han, Jennifer Isacoff, Bianca Shulaker, Stephanie Williamson, Terry Marsh, Thomas L. McKenzie, Megan Weir, and Rajiv Bhatia. (2015). Impact of park renovations on park use and park-based physical activity. Journal of Physical Activity & Health12(2), 289-295.


Recreational & social value, Health & well-being, Safety, Play equipment, Active living, Social equity

Nancy M. Wells, Beth M. Myers, and Charles R. Henderson Jr. “School gardens and physical activity: A randomized controlled trial of low-income elementary schools.” Preventative Medicine 69 (December 2014): S27-S33.


Health & well-being, Access & equity, Active living

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