Fast Fact Library

Mueller, Natalie, David Rojas-Rueda, Tom Cole-Hunter, Audrey de Nazelle, Evi Dons, Regine Gerike, Thomas Götschi, Luc Int Panis, Sonja Kahlmeier, and Mark Nieuwenhuijsen. (2015). Health impact assessment of active transportation: a systematic review. Preventive medicine, 76, 103-114.


Health & well-being, Transportation, Active living, Complete streets

Vineyard, Donald, Wesley W. Ingwersen, Troy R. Hawkins, Xiaobo Xue, Bayou Demeke, and William Shuster. (2015). Comparing Green and Grey Infrastructure Using Life Cycle Cost and Environmental Impact: A Rain Garden Case Study in Cincinnati, OH. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1–19.


Stormwater management, Operations & maintenance savings, Construction cost savings, Bioretention

Dadvand, Payam, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Mikel Esnaola, Joan Forns, Xavier Basagaña, Mar Alvarez-Pedrerol, Ioar Rivas, Mónica López-Vicente, Montserrat De Castro Pascual, Jason Su, Michael Jerrett, Xavier Querol, and Jordi Sunyer. (2015). Green spaces and cognitive development in primary schoolchildren. PNAS, published ahead of print June 15, 2015, doi:10.1073/pnas.1503402112


Air quality, Educational value, Learning landscapes

Brussoni, Mariana, Rebecca Gibbons, Casey Gray, Takuro Ishikawa, Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter, Adam Bienenstock, Guylaine Chabot et al. (2015). What is the relationship between risky outdoor play and health in children? A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(6), 6423-6454.


Health & well-being, Educational value, Play equipment, Learning landscapes, Play

Gray, Casey, Rebecca Gibbons, Richard Larouche, Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter, Adam Bienenstock, Mariana Brussoni, Guylaine Chabot et al. (2015). What Is the Relationship between Outdoor Time and Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Physical Fitness in Children? A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(6), 6455-6474.


Health & well-being

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