Mok, Jeong-Hun, Harlow C. Landphair, and Jody R. Naderi. (2006). Landscape improvement impacts on roadside safety in Texas. Landscape and Urban Planning 78(3), 263-274.
Fast Fact Library
Carter, Timothy L., and Todd C. Rasmussen. (2006). Evaluation of the hydrologic behavior of green roofs. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 42(5), 1261-1274.
Maas, Jolanda, Robert A. Verheij, Peter P. Groenewegen, Sjerp De Vries, and Peter Spreeuwenberg. “Green Space, Urbanity, and Health: How Strong Is the Relation?” Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 60, no. 7 (July 2006): 587–92.
Matteo, Michelle, Timothy Randhir, and David Bloniarz. (2006). Watershed-scale impacts of forest buffers on water quality and runoff in urbanizing environment. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 132(3), 144-152.
Nowak, David J., Daniel E. Crane, and Jack C. Stevens. (2006). Air pollution removal by urban trees and shrubs in the United States. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 4(3), 115-123.
Wolf, Kathleen L. (2005). Business district streetscapes, trees, and consumer response. Journal of Forestry 103(8): 396-400.
McPherson, Greg, James R. Simpson, Paula J. Peper, Scott E. Maco, and Qingfu Xiao. (2005). Municipal forest benefits and costs in five U.S. cities. Journal of Forestry 103(8), 411-416.
McPherson, E. Gregory, and Jules Muchnick. Effects of Street Tree Shade on Asphalt Concrete Pavement Performance. Journal of Arboriculture 31, no. 6 (2005): 303-310.
Crompton, John L. (2005). The impact of parks on property values: Empirical evidence from the past two decades in the United States. Managing Leisure, 10, 203-218.
Liu, Karen K.Y., and Bas Baskaran. (2005). Thermal performance of extensive green roofs in cold climates. National Research Council Canada: Institute for Research in Construction, NRCC-4820.