Pivo, Gary, and Jeffrey D. Fisher. (2011). The walkability premium in commercial real estate investments. Real Estate Economics, 39(2), 185-219.
Fast Fact Library
Van Renterghem, Timothy, and Dick Botteldooren. (2011), In-situ measurements of sound propagating over extensive green roofs. Building and Environment 46(3), 729-738.
DeBusk, Kathy M., William F. Hunt, and Daniel E. Line. (2010). Bioretention outflow: Does it mimic nonurban watershed shallow interflow?. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 16(3), 274-279.
Tanner, Chris C., and Tom R. Headley. (2011). Components of floating emergent macrophyte treatment wetlands influencing removal of stormwater pollutants. Ecological Engineering, 37(3), 474-486.
Kuo, Frances E. (2001). Coping with poverty: Impacts of environment and attention in the inner city. Environment & Behavior, 33(1), 5-34.
Berhane, Kiros, Brady, Kirby, Chang, Roger, Dahmann, Nicholas, Gilliland, Frank, Jerrett, Michael, McConnell, Rob, Reynolds, Kim, Su, Jason G., Wolch, Jennifer. (2011) Childhood obesity and proximity to urban parks and recreational resources: A longitudinal cohort study. Health & Place 17, 207-214.
Collins, Kelly A., Timothy J. Lawrence, Emilie K. Stander, Robert J. Jontos, Sujay S. Kaushal, Tamara A. Newcomer, Nancy B. Grimm, and Marci L. Cole Ekberg. (2010). Opportunities and challenges for managing nitrogen in urban stormwater: A review and synthesis. Ecological Engineering, 36(11), 1507-1519.
Samborski, Sylvia. (2010). Biodiverse or barren school grounds: their effects on children. Children Youth and Environments, 20(2), 67-115.
Matusoka, Rodney H. (2010). Student Performance and High School Landscapes: Examining the Links. Landscape and Urban Planning 97, 4: 273-282.
Gedan, Keryn B., Matthew L. Kirwan, Eric Wolanski, Edward B. Barbier, and Brian R. Silliman. (2011). The present and future role of coastal wetland vegetation in protecting shorelines: answering recent challenges to the paradigm. Climatic Change, 106(1), 7-29.