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Muscota Marsh

Landscape Performance Benefits


  • Intercepted an estimated 149,930 gallons of rainfall and avoided 87,187 gallons of stormwater runoff in the ten years after restoration (2014-2024) through trees planted as part of the restoration. Over the next 20 years, these trees are projected to intercept 333,173 gallons of rainfall and avoid 193,746 gallons of stormwater runoff.
  • Increases ecological quality as demonstrated by a total Floristic Quality Index (FQI) score of 23, a native FQI score of 29, and an adjusted FQI score of 40. An FQI score above 35 is considered to be “natural area” quality.
  • Achieves a native species richness of 61%, with 33 of 54 species observed on-site being native.
  • Has provided habitat for at least 142 observed bird species in the 10 years since restoration was completed (2014-2024), with 53 bird species observed in the first half of 2024.
  • Sequestered an estimated 19,315 lbs of atmospheric carbon in the ten years after restoration (2014-2024) in trees planted as part of the restoration. Over the next 20 years, these trees are projected to sequester an additional 45,334 lbs of atmospheric carbon.


  • Created public waterfront access where there was previously none, with 73% of 63 surveyed visitors reporting that they visit at least once a week.
  • Supports well-being and improved mood, with the number of surveyed visitors reporting feeling “great” increasing by 20% between arriving and departing the marsh. 56% of 64 surveyed visitors attributed their improvement in mood to scenery and views, 16% to wild animals, and 13% to plants.
  • Promotes public awareness and education about marshes and wetlands with 54% of surveyed visitors indicating their visits pushed them to seek out information and learn more.
  • Provides aesthetic value, with 100% of 63 surveyed visitors reporting that they enjoyed the scenic views.
  • Supports social interaction, with 68% of 63 surveyed visitors confirming that they interact with strangers at the marsh and 75% of 40 surveyed visitors agreeing that it is a good place to meet new people.
  • Supports cross-group interaction, with 80% of 60 surveyed visitors reporting that they have observed people of different backgrounds interacting at the park and 76% of 63 surveyed visitors reporting having interacted with people of different backgrounds themselves.


  • Created 1 full-time year-round position for site maintenance.

At a Glance

  • Designer

    Field Operations

  • Project Type

    Park/Open space
    Wetland creation/restoration

  • Former Land Use

    Tidal wetland

  • Location

    575 W 218th St
    New York, New York 10034
    Map it

  • Climate Zone

    Humid subtropical

  • Size

    1.2 acres

  • Completion Date

    January 2014

Previously known as Boat House Marsh, Muscota Marsh is situated on the Spuyten Duyvil Creek, connecting the Hudson and Harlem Rivers in upper Manhattan, New York City, New York.  The marsh restoration was undertaken as a joint effort by Columbia University and New York City Parks to create public access to the waterfront, restore habitat, increase biodiversity, and improve stormwater management. Muscota, meaning “place in the reeds” in the language of the Lenape—the land’s original inhabitants—was selected in consultation with community representatives to highlight its history. Muscota Marsh expands previously existing habitat at the adjacent Inwood Hill Park, the oldest forest and last remaining salt marsh in Manhattan, by restoring tidal mudflats and salt marsh on the park’s periphery, as well as adding a freshwater wetland habitat. The marsh creates a buffer to filter stormwater and slow runoff into the river in addition to creating a public educational and recreational space for the community.

  • Create public waterfront access to the New York City (NYC) Parks waterfront through land owned by Columbia University.
  • Restore saltwater marsh habitat and mudflats by removing invasive species.
  • Enhance biodiversity and increase stormwater infiltration by building a freshwater wetland ecosystem connected to the saltwater marsh and tidal mudflats.
  • Create a low-maintenance, user-friendly public park.
  • The freshwater wetland filters stormwater before it enters the saltwater marsh and mudflats. This dynamic estuarine ecosystem provides essential habitat for numerous wildlife species and supports a variety of native plants including smooth cordgrass (Sporobolus alterniflorus), salt meadow rush (Juncus gerardii), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), and seaside goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens).
  • Due to the close proximity of the saltwater marsh and freshwater wetland, visitors can view wading birds like the great blue heron and snowy egret, as well as leopard frogs and ribbed mussels.
  • The restoration included planting 34 trees representing 6 species within the marsh as well as on the adjoining street: black gum/tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica), Eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis), sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima), English oak (Quercus robur), pin oak (Quercus palustris), and Northern red oak (Quercus rubra).
  • A boardwalk made of domestic douglas fir with a metal guardrail topped with a domestic robinia wood wraps around the wetland edge. This raised platform allows visitors to be immersed in the sounds, smells, and sights of the naturalized riverbank.
  • An ADA-compliant pier at the end of the boardwalk has an adjustable-height boat dock that is used by Columbia University and the public.
  • Anchored seating is artfully arranged along the concrete promenade and picnic area, creating inviting spaces that range from quiet nooks to social gathering spots. Seating options include benches with and without backs and arms, as well as wheelchair-accessible picnic tables. Additionally, tiered sculptural concrete steps in the grassy area offer versatility as elevated viewing spots, an outdoor classroom, and a natural climbing scape for children.
  • Lamp posts along the path provide downlighting to provide light where needed, reducing glare and minimizing light pollution to maintain darker skies for migratory and nocturnal wildlife.
  • Signage at the park’s entrance and along the pathways explains the marsh’s purpose and provides guidance for visitors on park rules. Trash receptacles are easily accessible along pathways.
  • The light grey color of all paths provides visual continuity. The concrete walkways were designed to transition seamlessly with the preexisting permeable pavers and permeable gravel paths from Columbia’s boathouse.
  • The entry from 218th Street to Inwood Park was widened to include access to the marsh and graded to comply with ADA, improving accessibility. The entrance is across from Inwood Park, making Muscota Marsh a convenient waterfront addition to the forest trails. Boulders and bollards at Inwood Park’s entrance remained as markers for the newly widened entrance that integrated public access to the marsh.
  • Bike racks at the entrance encourage visitors to use alternate forms of transportation. Additional rentable city bikes can be found on the street leading to the marsh, enhancing access options.
  • The design maintained several existing features, including existing riprap along the water’s edge. The old stone wall along the 218th Street boundary, which was covered in mosses and climbing vines, was preserved to provide a unique transition from the city’s prewar dwellings to the marsh and docks. In addition to this historic structure, the permeable pavers used in front of the dock were retained. An existing groundsel hedge (Baccharis halimifolia) was kept and transplanted on site.
  • Several—but not all—of the existing nonnative or invasive trees (Norway maple, Ailanthus, black locust, mulberry) were removed to make way for native species that would further the goals of stormwater filtration.

The landscape architect partnered with three engineering firms to construct a three-tiered freshwater wetland to provide additional habitat beyond the saltwater marsh and tidal mudflats. Moreover, this freshwater ecosystem would provide for the filtration of stormwater before it enters the saltwater marsh and mudflats. Weirs (cement barriers with drains) to control the flow of water were constructed to form freshwater wetland holding tanks. A drainage system was laid starting uphill from the holding tanks to catch water coming down from the street level. Holding areas were planted with various sedges, rushes, and flowering plants meant to filter stormwater and add water retention capacity and pollinator habitat.

In the saltwater marsh transition zones, big and little bluestem, switchgrass, Indian grass, and seaside goldenrod were planted, while the high and low marsh were planted with salt meadow cordgrass and smooth cordgrass, respectively. The plantings were acclimatized to salinity levels, and the marsh was established using pre-planted coconut coir mattresses, which were rolled out on the substrate so that the soil would not suffocate the roots by retaining too much water as the plantings established themselves. Additional details on the plantings are located in Appendix 1 of the Methods Document.

  • During the design phase, the engineering team was concerned about high groundwater tables and the potential for saltwater infiltration into the freshwater ecosystem during a drought due to uplift. To counteract this, they integrated a pump system into the design to lower the water table. When budget constraints precluded the purchase of a dewatering line after construction was underway, the team had to adapt and quickly modify the design. The decision was made to lift the freshwater wetlands by one foot. This created steeper slopes in the wetland terrain and resulted in pools. Luckily, the initial design and construction included a gravel bed that had been intended as a filter but ended up working as a drain for the wetland after the design modification.
  • In the present day, 10 years after project completion, there has been flooding with high tides and waves caused by large ships coming to dock. Additional soil has been added to embankments to keep saltwater out of the freshwater wetland. If the freshwater wetland had not been raised to begin with, there would have been substantial infiltration of salt water as sea levels rise and high tides increase in the coming years.
  • The invasion of phragmites into the native salt meadow cordgrass (Spartina patens), a common issue, has caused maintenance challenges. Since the primary way to restrict phragmites’ growth would be to shade them out, the maintenance plan is focused on management rather than removal, as sunlight is necessary for the herbaceous wetland ecosystem.
  • The freshwater wetland was designed to be maintained with regular intervals of de-sedimentation and weir plugging, but due to some miscommunication, this had not been done between 2014-2021. This resulted in sedimentation and nutrient deposits that made invasive species more dominant. However, despite invasive species, native plant communities had formed and were a direct result of the environment that had been created. Thus, to minimize disturbance, it was decided to leave the weirs unplugged permanently.

Furnishings: Landscape Forms, black locust

Project Team

Prime, Landscape Architect, Public Realm: Field Operations
Hydrology, Natural Resources Engineering, and Habitat Restoration: eDesign Dynamics
Civil and Environmental Engineering: Langan Engineering & Environmental Services
Structural Engineering: Halcrow Yolles
Lighting Design: Brandston Partnership Inc

Role of the Landscape Architect

The landscape architect served as the design lead, collaborating with engineers and ecologists through planning, design, and documentation. They directed community outreach and stakeholder engagement and facilitated communication between Columbia University and the New York City Parks Department in balancing community and university needs with the ecological restoration and associated maintenance requirements. Additionally, they guided the design review and permitting processes for the project.


Stormwater management, Habitat quality, Populations & species richness, Carbon sequestration & avoidance, Recreational & social value, Health & well-being, Educational value, Scenic quality & views, Access & equity, Job creation, Wetland, Trees, Bioretention, Native plants, Efficient lighting, Educational signage, Biodiversity, Mental wellness, Resilience, Restoration

The LPS Case Study Briefs are produced by the Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF), working in conjunction with designers and/or academic research teams to assess performance and document each project. LAF has no involvement in the design, construction, operation, or maintenance of the projects. See the Project Team tab for details. If you have questions or comments on the case study itself, contact us at email hidden; JavaScript is required.

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