This web-based application allows registered users to estimate the carbon footprint and time to carbon neutral for landscape projects based on site design and management. It may be used for projects in the design phase or already completed projects. The only required inputs are project type, site boundaries, and percentage of impervious and pervious surface; however, supplying more information will result in a more accurate estimate. Users enter project type, define site boundaries, and supply the site’s percentage of pervious and impervious surface. Users may then enter detailed information about their project regarding materials and site features like paving; walls, curbs, and headers; fences and gates; site elements; drainage and irrigation; subsurface elements, and mulch and soil. Users may then enter information on carbon sinks including wetlands, trees, lawn, and shrubs. Finally, users may enter information on maintenance including gas- and electric-powered equipment and fertilizer. The output is the Climate Positive Design Scorecard, which includes estimated years to carbon neutral for the project, amount of carbon sequestered and net impact over time up to 100 years, and embodied carbon profile. The site also provides design suggestions to help designers reduce the carbon footprint in the design phase.
Launched in fall 2024, Pathfinder Version 3.0 expanded the carbon material dataset, enhanced climate-related metrics, and added new benefit tools to estimate biodiversity, water use, cooling, and equity.